Mission Pack 5

“Let us bring equality, justice, and
peace for all. Not just the politicians
and world leaders we all need to
contribute. Me. You. It is our duty.”

– Malala Yousafzai

Inquiry Questions

How does peace begin with me?  (P)

What does power have to do with fairness and justice?  (S)

KEY:  (P) = Primary activity    |    (S) = Secondary activity

1. Hold a class debate on the topic: Peace can exist  without conflict.

2. Research the story of the ‘dove’ as a symbol of peace. Create a community art installation of  doves for Peace Day.

3. Dili, Timor-Leste is called the ‘City of Peace’. Why? Research this interesting fact about the city.

1. Unpack the Scripture Link verse. What is it saying?

2. Is peace simply the absence of conflict? Express in words what peace means to you.

3. How might other students around the world describe peace? Consider these questions: How do we deal with conflict? What are some peaceful ways to deal with conflict?

1. The United Nations’ Peace Day 2023 theme is End Racism, Build Peace. Promote this in your community.

2. Design a Peace Calendar. What images and  notable events would you include?

3. What would you say if you could tell the world one thing about peace? Make a ‘Peace Book’ to share with your peers.

Scripture Link:

John 14:27

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.”

In the Gospel of John, Jesus assures his disciples of his peace, which is unlike the world's peace. He tells them not to be troubled or afraid. This passage teaches us that true peace comes from our relationship with Jesus and trust in him, even in the midst of turmoil and uncertainty. It emphasises the calming and comforting presence of Christ.

Catholic Social Teaching

1. Solidarity - God created all people, so we are all brothers and sisters in God’s family, wherever we live.

2. Common Good - A true community is one where the common good is reached when we work together to befter the wellbeing of all people in our community and the wider world.

3. Human Dignity - God made each person, so every life is important and should be protected.

4. Participation and Subsidiarity
- God made us to be part of communities, families and countries, so all people can share and help each other. No one community should have dominance over another or interfere in their lives.


Additional Activities: primary

📚  READ...    

What Does Peace Feel Like by Vladimir Radunsky. Write all the different ways to say ‘peace’ on cards and put them up in your classroom. Learn how to say it.

...and be inspired!

📺  WATCH...    

Susan Verde read her book, I am Peace. Learn what mindfulness means and find new ways to stay calm.

...and be moved!

🎧  LISTEN TO...   

Be the Hands, the Heart of God’ by Janet Vogt. Plan a ‘Peace’ Prayer liturgy and include this song.

...and reflect!

🎨 DO...    

  • Describe how you feel when you feel peaceful?
  • Discover the story of 'The Christmas Truce'. Can you find other examples of sport bringing people together in unusual circumstances?
  • What are the five basic needs? How do these needs relate to peace in our world?

...and make an impact!

Additional Activities: secondary

📚  READ...    

Peace & Me – Inspired by the lives of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates. Read the part about Mother Teresa. Find out more about the Nobel Prize.

...and be inspired!

📺  WATCH...    

...and be moved!

🎧  LISTEN TO...   

Some peaceful music to wind down. Describe how you feel when you’re finished.

...and reflect!

🎨 DO...    

Find out more about the European Games – Why do they light the flame of peace at the Altar of Peace built by Augustus in 9 B.C?

...and make an impact!