Christopher Jayawardena

Thanks for visiting my Socktober page! 

I'm kicking goals for good in 2024!

In 2024, I'm kicking goals for good during Socktober! I'll be supporting children in need in Mongolia by raising funds for a children's home. Please help me to brighten the future of children in need by generously sponsoring my goals! Let’s do it together.


My Impact

I have helped contribute towards a school bus to safely transport students to and from school.

My Achievements

I have uploaded a profile picture!

I received my first sponsorship!

I've posted three updates!

I've reached 25% of my goal!

I've reached 50% of my goal!

I've reached 75% of my goal!

I've shared my page!

I've reached my fundraising goal!

Here's what I've been up to...


Sunday 8th Sep
Still at the top (  top donater. )




Saturday 31st Aug
We’ve helped Mongolian kids but it’s also a small comp on which year can raise the most

This is how much I’ve raised so far

Saturday 31st Aug


Saturday 31st Aug

Hi everyone,

Thank you so much for your support - every little bit helps! Your donation will help vulnerable children in Mongolia to access better health and education outcomes. I'm very passionate about this cause, so thank you for putting your faith in me to make a difference. 

Thank you for supporting me!

God bless you always,

Thank you to my Sponsors


Minoli Fernando

All the best Chrissy boy! God bless!



Dear Chris, Well done! This is is a mighty endeavour you've taken on. I bless your work and pray that God expands your missionary heart to continue to say Yes to him all the days of your life. Lots of love for you!


Mama Seeiya & Aunty Archchi

All the best little champ


Asela Fernando

From Asela Seeya & Sunimalee Achchi


Rojith De Silva

Awesome work Chris! So proud of you for doing this.


Yohan & Mary J

Very Proud of this initiative, keep up the work. God Bless You


Navin Fernando

Well done Chrissy boy! Proud of you ❤️



So proud of you Chrissy! Love you <3

Our Team

Year 5 – St Luke's Catholic College Marsden Park Captain (C)

Maddie Tucker

Sebastian Meli

Gurnoor Kaur

Raised so far:


Pranshu Shah

Mia Delos Reyes

Harikrish Praveen

Shanaya Agarwal

Raised so far:


Arjun Nangia

Hea Pandya

Penelope Buere

Raised so far:


Amelia Hernandez

Christopher Jayawardena

Raised so far:


Issac Lin

Joaquin Frijas

Ianna Lozada Marcano

Raised so far:


Vivan Biradar

Ally Pascoli

Tissa Regin

Declan Ferrao

Madi Payne

Raised so far:


Shanaya Macwan

Esther Gandy

Vyom Arya

Anaahat Kaur

Raised so far:


francesca Perez

Raised so far:


Anthony Francis

Miel Camerino

Raised so far:


Ryder Vandine

Beatrice Cortes

Vineeth Haridas

Arysse Polintan

Monet Ferguson

Melissa Jin

Janet odion

Myra Dhir

Amaury Villarante

Connor Layson

Alak Kumar

Vihana Shah

Aarna Darbar

Joseph Tholath

Andrew Pattichis

Milena Guerrero

Karma Parajuli

Navya Manvar

Cooper gleeson

Ved Pareek

Nathan Solidum

Raised so far:


Jess Jacob

Eilah Van de poll

Reywan Ghai

Catarina Padilla

Felix Diaz

Jaxon Lee

Viyona Modi

Krishni Thenesh

Liyan Farahani Farid

Myrah Sapaliga

Cameron Cefai

Zyra Manulat

Aarvika Dixit

Darcy Sharpe

Hudson Pena

Aiden Thomas

Layla Malicdem

Catherine Jibin

Aafreen Ruban

Elouise Layoun

Nevaeh Landrelli

Mihika Sinha

Hadriel Manaligod

Rigveda Bichapogu

Sienna Petrovski

Kyra Patel

Chris Matti

Valencia Lim

Romeo Nguyen

Ava Czapla

Heet Pandya

Alyssa Yamon

Ivanka Lee

Sophie Langdon

Emily Callos

Raised so far:


Michael Martinez

Zaayan Ahmed

olivia grima

Pearce Blackmed

Mateo Aliba Cucu

Jeeva shree Saravanasundarraj

Aiden Bernardo

Lara Ali

Jett Nguyen

Nivan Adhikari