Thank you to our Sponsors

George Peiris

Frederick Peiris

Ethel M
Go for gold Eli!

Genergy Australia

Maria Senior

Special Event Presentations

Jinyoung You

Steven Reid
Well done Tilly.

Chuong Le

Kicking goals Jarvis

Anne & Bernie
Hi Archie We would like to help you and your school raise money for underprivileged children in other countries

Bev Eyres

Goda & Co.
Well done Calum


William & Totti Nguyen Y1
Go William & Totti, score a goal.

John & Margaret Field
Enjoy kicking some goals John

John & Margaret Field
Have fun kicking goals Mary

John & Margaret Field
Have lots of fun kicking goals Sofia

Sam Bolanghe
Good luck Cala

Megan Gillespie

Julie Mclachlan

Bastian Malesevic

Shellma Bennett
So proud of you for helping others xx

Go Lucas , love Nanny & Granda

Kristan Mc Dermott
Great work buddy

Simforia Pty Ltd
Great work Leonardo

Mariana Nobile

Betty Teng

Auntie Jen
Great work in helping others William & your school mates !!

Johnathan Bourne

Jeremy Bourne



Stephen Mierendorf

Kristy Kozera

Cherie Rope

Cherry Cornelio

Archie Poll

Mary Turton
Very well done. Love you my boy 🥰

Mrs Jenkins

Penny S

Amanda Hopwood

Mia Dao

Dragan Obradovic

Karina Tung

Sanduni Ambuldeniyage Dona
Cheers to Callum

Kym Nichols

Kristie Gibson
Great work Catalina!

Susan Andrews

Lamiah Chiang

Daddy I. Philips

Lana Cronin

Reji Valsala


Becky Hong

Tilly Gohe

Charles Morel

Dean Mitchell

Rhys & Lucy Lovett

Maximus Mitchell
Keep up the good work Leo!!!

Neil Hastings

Keith Batchelor
Keep kicking goals my darling Grandaughters. Believe and achieve ❤️

Amber Dair

Amber W U

Laura Napper
Kick those goals Ryan!!

Danielle Cross

Dumkene Ndubuisi

Mucen Chung

Edison Song
Go Socktober! You deserve all my savings!

Looking forward to seeing you kick some goals Leo!

Rolls Pho Mi
Go Noah!!

Tanya Adam

Great Job Girls xx

Selina Y

Selina Y

Lea Mcdermott
Good work monkey!! xx

Cooper Cunning
Go Lucas! Love Cooper x

Bronagh Mccarthy

Flynn H

Tom Simonetta
Great work grandson!

Well done Eli - making a difference

Robert Eyres

Go Sebas!

Tyler & Poppy Xxx
Way to go Indie!!

Judith Poll
Well done Archie

Sandra Surgenor

Vanja Jovanovic
Voli te mama

So Won Kim

Mrs Horan
Go Preppies Go!

Cazsharel O’dea

Gabriela Gibson
Go Catalina!

Amanda Arkadieff
I love that you are helping to support other children with what they need to learn. Proud of you x

Micah Anthony

Bethany Anthony


Kathryn Gibson
Good kicking Catalina

P J Morel

Kyle Simonetta
Good stuff leo

Jason, Komal And Ruqqaya
Great Job Joshua

Well done Leo

Deb Bebb
Good on you Leo..always ready to help out..Very proud you. I hope you smash your goal.

Michael T
Nice work Leo!

Luke Thomsen
Go Sofia!

Luke Thomsen
Go Mary!

Luke Thomsen
Go John!

Mummy & Daddy
Go Team Morgan! 🌻

Megan Nisbet

Auntie Candi
Dream, Beleive, Act, Receive

Sushma Umshankar

Madonna Kropp

Marie & Rob (aka Mum & Dad)
Wishing you love, hugs & lots of goals for Socktober tomorrow, Cullen! We're so proud of you! Love always, Mum & Dad xoxo


Sachini Ambuldeniya

Sharon And Jason Vladusic
Give it your best Catalina!! Kick lots of goals!

Mr Beast

Max Seeto

Aiden Seeto


Lillian Leung

Lillian Leung

Michael Leano

Rangi Perera


Theodore Stephen Rivera

Maverick Noah Rivera

Mamdouh Bebawy

Kanecia Peilua

Savithamol Pathrose Pullely

Jaxon Van Der Loos

Lisa Liao

Elisa Zuniga
Go Catalina, kick the goals!

Dylan Vaughan

Micah Anthony

Nikki Wood

Luca Anthony

Nikki Wood

Nathan Wood

Nathan Wood

Lauren Keynes

Viktor Perez

Won Keun Song

Tara Fielding



Judy Jeong

Mark Ordynski
Great Job Eli :)

Kourtni Leofa

Jasmine Shapland

Jodie Heaton
Great work Eli!

Rhian Madgwick
Go Cullen! Love from your big sis xoxo

Lennon Madgwick
Good job Cullen! Love from your big bro :-)

Irene Tsougranis
What an amazing cause good luck Lawson in hitting your target :)

Lois & Henry Collins
You reached your goal :-)


Lisa Peebles

Waldron Family's
Good luck Eli
Our School Teams

Foundation Year - St Stephen's Primary School Algester

Year 1 - St Stephen's Primary School Algester

Year 2 - St Stephen's Primary School Algester

Year 3 - St Stephen's Primary School Algester

Year 4 - St Stephen's Primary School Algester

Year 5 - St Stephen's Primary School Algester

Year 6 - St Stephen's Primary School Algester
Our School Community

Luke Thomsen

Sharyn Diano

Bronagh McCarthy

Mrs Amarandos

Helen White

Mrs Stitchell

Catalina Gibson

Rachael Chambers


Jarvis Herridge

Billie & Darcie Morgan

Laura Napper

Ethel Manalac

Erin Horan

Araya Harnell

William Nash

Kristy Kozera

Emmie Tovey-Grose

Brandon Kropp

Marie Madgwick

Megan Gillespie

Mrs Hooiveld

Dean Mitchell

Stephen Mierendorf

Cherry C

Ben Baker

Lucas McDermott

Jayden Koster

Sebastian Miranda

Lucas Robinson

Seth Bochow

Jaden Sesay

Deneille Brearley

Lariesha Govindsamy

John T

Mary T

Sofia T

Archie P

Elliana C

George P

Frederick P

Brooklyn L

Harrison Lane

Charli Thomson

Reign L

Lucas M

Desley Hartley

Callum B

Adhi Lakshmi R

Tilly G

Rory H

Ashton Walsh

Macie & Meadow Sarracino

Bronwyn Brady

Abby G

Evie G

Susan Andrews

Meredith Lynch

Jacob K

Taehee L

Jaehee L

Kristy Mcmah

Jaxon B

Will M

Vanessa McNamara

Samuel R

Betty Teng

Xavier A

Hannah D

Flynn H

Asher H

Ryan N

Micah A

Luca A

Alexis P

Ella J

Amia J

Hannah D

Aryan K

Abhay J

Daniella A

Joshua Alton

Irvenne P


Joanne Chen

Anthony R

Eric Z

Edison S

Karina T

Lucy P

Joshua M

Ethan P

Hannah K

Noah Dang

Liam Dang

Ethan Dang

Karleah Griffin

Jasmine K

Cath Land

Levi G

Indie G

Liam R

Lola Spillane

Billie Morgan

Connor K

Riley K

Miles K

Naira C

Viktor P

Mueni M

Scarlett R

Lawson S

Brody K

Leila K

Annabelle Yan-Ling L

Ella J

Claire S

Marina B

Sean B

Diane L

Hunter H

Scarlett H

Allistar L

Theadora L

Enid Geraghty

Archer N

Brax C

Yoonwoo C

Edith K

Hannah J

Susan Kelly

Eli Collins

Ethan F

Ethan F

Ravindu S

Kathleen Jenkins

Jack J

Imogen R

Aviana C

Ahmad S

Heiba S

Isabelle S

Emily S

Talan O

Jayden R

Chloe R

Zara W

Ava W

Alex K

Lamiah C

Jasraj Singh Bhullar

Aron K

Heidi B

Darcie B

Macy B

Asher S

Ava A

Eugene H

Frances F

Maverick Noah R

Theodore Stephen Rivera

Mucen C

Thiyan G

Dihaana G

Bastian Malesevic

Leonardo S

Vivian L

Eli M

Eli Manalac

Sophia E

Liam Rowe

Megan Nisbet

Amelia N

Liam Rowe

Matthias P

Jocelyn D

Sreyamaria B

Dom K

Sushma Umshankar

Abhay c

Aditya C

Aria B

Oakli S

Kai B

Alex B

Felicity Morris

Leonard Morris

Cullen M

James Hopwood

Sofija O

Luke Timmins

Kenzi Y

Alexis Y

Jasper L

Araya H

Ella P

Theodore D

Annabelle D