Mission Pack 2

“The simplest and most practical
lesson I know is to resolve to be
good today but be better

Catherine McAuley

Inquiry Questions:

“We are all different. We are all the same.” What does this mean?   (P)

How do I manage transitions and challenges? (S)

KEY:   (P) = Primary activity    |    (S) = Secondary activity

1. What does the word “wellbeing” mean to you? Write 3 interview questions you could ask your family,  friends, and teachers to explain their understanding of this term.

2. Identify a high-profile “Wellbeing Champion” and create a profile piece that reflects how they include wellbeing in their life. 

3. Identify the different items that children in Timor-Leste will use as a soccer ball. What does this say about the importance of sport for wellbeing?

1. Unpack the verse in the Scripture Link below. What is it saying? 

Wellbeing is the state of feeling healthy and  happy. What is the connection between the two?

Listen to your breathing as part of a mindfulness  activity. Consider mindful eating and mindful walking and handwashing.

1. What is an "emotional toolbox"? Find out and  design one to help you cope with any difficult situations.

2. Make your own wellbeing/mindfulness playlist. Invite your friends to do the same.

3. Press Rewind: Reflect on your day. Where was Jesus in your life today? Record in your journal.

Scripture Link

Galatians 5:22–23

“By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity,  faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things.”

These verses from Galatians list the "Fruits of the Spirit". Paul describes the characteristics that should be evident in the lives of Christians when they are led by the Holy Spirit. These qualities include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This passage teaches that living a life guided by the Holy Spirit should result in these virtues becoming increasingly present in our behaviour.


Catholic Social Teaching

1. Human Dignity - God made each person, so every life is important and should be protected.

2. Participation and Subsidiarity - God made us to be part of communities, families and countries, so all people can share and help each other. No one community should have dominance over another or interfere in their lives.

3. Preferential Option for the Poor - God wants us to help people who are poor, who don’t have enough food, a safe place to live, or a community of which to be a part.

4. Common Good - A true community is one where the common good is reached when we work together to befter the wellbeing of all people in our community and the wider world.


Additional Activities: primary

📚  READ...    

  • Daniel’s Dreams: Monster Mountain by Jeanie  Brown. Discuss some of the fears and worries you may have with your family. Complete the ‘Tool Box’ activity from Hands 3.
  • We All Sing With The Same
    Voice by J. Philip Miller and Shep Greene. Plan a story time with younger students and  share this book.

...and be inspired!

📺  WATCH...    

Wellbeing for Children: Healthy Habits with your class/family. What important messages can you draw? How will you share these with your peers?

...and be moved!

🎧  LISTEN TO...   

Happy’ by Pharell Williams. What makes you happy? Record in your journal.

...and reflect!

🎨 DO...    

  • Create a ‘Mindfulness Pin Wheel'. What would be the key words you would add?
  • Make a glitter jar to see how your mind works when experiencing difficult emotions and how to calm down during difficult times. When the glitter jar is unshaken, the glitter is settled peacefully at the bottom of the jar.

...and make an impact!

Additional Activities: Secondary

📚  READ...    

  • My Two Blankets by Irene Kobald. If you moved to a new environment, how
    did/would you feel?
  • The lyrics of 'Be God’s' by Danielle Rose. You’ve been asked to write another verse; what would you add?

...and be inspired!

📺  WATCH...    

The sunrise. Set your alarm and wake up with the sun. Draw/Journal what you’ve witnessed and explain what does it mean to join.

...and be moved!

🎧  LISTEN TO...   

  • Learn to Fly’ by Shannon Noll – what messages can you take from the words to this song? What does it mean to ‘learn to fly’?
  • A guided meditation to improve your daily wellbeing, e.g., Lectio Divina, The Examen.

...and reflect!

🎨 DO...    

  • Create a weekly wellbeing routine. Journal about it - does this impact positively on your life?
  • Who are the Wellbeing Champions in your school? Interview them about the ways they  include wellbeing in their everyday life.

...and make an impact!